Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Radio Chatter

The incessant noise of people, like radio static only revealing a few indistinguishable words.
An uncanny succession of thought-provoking gossip in our latest trend; today-racism, tomorrow-adopting a new doctrine.
Hedonism is a taboo that reinvents itself in the likelihood of pleasurable sighs. Like at the end of a much need fuck, or self-loathing, or good movie. Indulgence is a self-centered juggernaut free from the devilish guilt trip. How so would confidence inject it's potentiality that will turn a personality into a real fucking intimidating vagabond.
Do you feel this way about what you see everyday? There's the difference between photographing a moment and being in one, a moment. Mentalist have a trick of not ever
truly exhibiting the real magic unless you've committed to the belief that you can make this happen on your own without you ever knowing you could. The allusion of immortality inside all of us;
Introduced by a string of harmonious moments that seem to happen in synch with our mood. Worst comes to worst, we're all deprived of genuine moments. I say, Happiness is a sour whiskey with nothing to hide. An amaretto iced coffee w/ half & half.
Or a Belgium Ale and the village of inconspicuous cat people.

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